The Castles’night – Oct. 22 2022
Berrye in light

Games of images and lights, country buffet, wine tasting and night visit of the old fortress in the program of the Night of the Castles at Berrye.
The artist François Chauvin will come, for a moment, to put “Berrye in light” thanks to performances of active and fixed images in the castral chapel and the big hypostyle room of the moat.
The program :
7pm: The first visitors will be greeted with a welcome drink in the castle’s great lordly hall, the Aula. The rooms of the Donjon, the Castel St Martin and the Chapel will be open to the public. In the latter, Mr. Chauvin will make a first projection of commented images. At the same time, there will be an aperitif and a tasting of Berry wines (with the possibility of purchase) in the gallery of paintings.
9pm : The visitors will be guided in the moats and the underground passages, by the light of torches, until the end of the quarry where they will be able to admire a new projection in the big hypostyle room.
22h : End of the Night of the Castles at the Fortress of Berrye.
The artist :
Francois Chauvin has been developing his process of image projections for 2 years now, date corresponding to his arrival in Anjou. He has had the opportunity to practice in numerous heritage sites such as the Caves Ackerman, the Cave aux sculptures in Dénezé and of course the Forteresse de Berrye.
By projecting images onto the limestone surfaces of the walls or the cellars and quarries, he seeks new effects of matter and volume. His art is halfway between photography, sculpture or engraving. It is a surprise, a step aside from our usual perceptions.
These projections enrich François’ work as a sculptor, which you can appreciate in current exhibitions at the gardens of Puygirault and at the Galerie La Corbata Rose in Rochefort-sur-Loire.